The service has been awarded ISO 9001:2000, a prestigious international award showing we provide a good quality of service to its clients. This standard aims to continually enhance customer satisfaction with the service provided.
We are based in the Assisted Living Centre on the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital site where we provide, collect and repair wheelchairs. We have a waiting room and assessment area where our wheelchair therapist and rehabilitation engineer see people to discuss their needs and make an assessment for the appropriate equipment. We sometimes also assess people at their home, school, college or residential/nursing home.
At Scunthorpe we work from the equipment store on Cupola Way
We have a stock of assessment chairs and cushions to enable people to try the equipment prior to provision. Some people will require specially made equipment and this will be measured for and for special seating we may take a cast of a person’s shape.
We also have an FSA (Force Sensory Array) pressure monitor to assess the pressure a person exerts on a chair in sitting. This means that, for people who have a high risk of developing pressure sores, we can accurately assess the correct cushion for them.
Criteria for provision of wheelchairs
Wheelchairs will be supplied to clients on a loan basis where the following criteria are met:
- The client is registered with a GP in North Lincolnshire/North East Lincolnshire
- Each person has been assessed by their doctor or an accredited professional as having a long-term mobility need, (ie more than six months except for the terminally ill)
- The client will be able to derive significant improvement in mobility through the use of a wheelchair
- Clients must be within the weight limit stated in the manufacturer’s details for a specified chair.
Assessments will take into account the rehabilitation process. Normally only one wheelchair will be provided for use in all environments. Wheelchairs will not be provided for those people who are independently mobile around their home environment but who use a wheelchair outdoors for occasional/social use.
Contact us
Wheelchair services
Assisted Living Centre
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital
Scartho Road
DN33 2BA
01472 875323
Wheelchair services
Unit 4
Cupola Way
Normanby Road
DN15 9YJ
03033 306820