The Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) of our Council of Governors is taking place this month – and you are welcome to come along.
The AMM will be held on Monday 13 September from 2pm to 5pm at the Sands Venue Stadium (Glanford Park), Doncaster Road, Scunthorpe.
Alison Hurley, assistant director of corporate governance, said: “Our Annual Members’ Meeting is a great chance for Trust members and members of the public to meet the governors that represent their views and interests.
“Come and hear one of our inspirational and touching patient stories, find out about the Trust’s achievements over the last year, some of the latest developments and our plans for the future.”
During the meeting, the Annual Report and Accounts will be presented and an update will also be provided on the progress of the Trust.
As per previous years, a question and answer session will be held.
To book a place at the meeting or if you have any queries please contact the Membership Office via e-mail at [email protected] or call 03033 302852. Please note that attendance numbers are limited so bookings are required.
Membership of the Trust is open to any member of the public and allows people to keep up-to-date with Trust news, receive invitations to special events and lectures and become eligible to vote for or stand for election to the Council of Governors.