Three new appointments have been made to the Trust’s Council of Governors.
Governors represent staff and patients and play a key role in holding the Trust Board to account. They act as a link between members and directors and are responsible for conveying information from the Trust Board to members about affordability, service plans and health improvement initiatives.

The Trust has a mixture of elected and nominated governors:
- Public Governors are elected by public members
- Staff Governors are elected by staff members
- Stakeholder Governors are nominated by partner organisations including GP providers, commissioners, local authorities and medical schools.
Mike Bateson, Karen Green and Robert Copley will take up their roles on 21 November.
Both Mike and Karen have been elected to represent the North East Lincolnshire constituency as public governors. They are both former members of staff at the Trust. Mike’s background is in IT and he brings with him experience as a board member of Healthwatch. Meanwhile Karen is a former nurse with nearly 30 years’ experience both clinically and managerial. At 22 Robert, who has been elected as a Staff Governor, will be the youngest Governor at the Trust. He has previously been a Governor at the Grimsby Institute.
All three seats were uncontested. Diana Barnes was also re-elected to her seat as a Public Governor for North East Lincolnshire. You can read all of our Governor profiles on our website.