We’re delighted to announce we have been shortlisted for a staff wellbeing award from the HSJ.
The awards recognise outstanding contribution to healthcare and despite the challenging circumstances of the past 18 months, over 1,000 entries were received.

We are in the running for the Freedom To Speak Up Organisation of the Year category in recognition of our commitment to listening to the concerns of our staff and taking action to help keep them safe during the first wave of the pandemic.
We’ve been working hard to create a culture where staff feel confident to speak up and raise concerns.
Putting staff wellbeing first
When the pandemic first hit, senior clinicians at the Trust highlighted concerns over staff from BAME backgrounds being disproportionally affected by coronavirus.
They spoke directly to the Chief Executive who immediately set up a small working group.
At this point national guidance had not yet been established. In a short space of time and with no precedent to follow, they developed an options pathway to help managers work out the level of risk their staff faced, and what they could do to reduce that risk – from what levels of personal protective equipment they should be wearing to wear they could work.
This led to a new risk assessment tool being developed which was then used to assess risks for all staff whatever their role.
Peter Reading, Chief Executive, said: “We were one of the very first Trusts in the country to respond to emerging evidence that BAME staff may be at greater risk from Covid than staff from other ethnic groups. The risk assessment tool which we developed was then recommended as a model for others to adapt and follow by both NHSE/I nationally and the BMA.
“We’re thrilled to be shortlisted for this award and knowing that there was such stiff competition this year really does make this announcement feel like a wonderful achievement for everyone involved.”
The risk assessment tool and pathway have been continually adapted and as the pandemic progressed they have helped bring staff safely back to work.
High standards
HSJ editor Alistair McLellan, comments: “On behalf of all my colleagues, I’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust on being nominated in this year’s awards. The applications we receive always present our panel of judges with a very difficult task as the standard is unfailingly high and the breadth of innovation and passion for patient care is always so inspiring.
“This year, we really have been overwhelmed with the level of entries, particularly when set against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the huge challenges faced by our health and social care workforce.
“We are looking forward to welcoming all our finalists to the live ceremony in November and joining us in celebrating their incredible achievements and commitment to excellence.”
The full list of nominees for the HSJ Awards 2021.
The winners will be announced during an awards ceremony at Evolution, London on November 18 2021.