Join as a member
Being a member of an NHS Foundation Trust gives you the opportunity to get involved with your local hospital and participate and positively influence plans for the development of the Trust and its services for the benefit of patient and carers.
Sign up for freeWho can apply?
Anyone aged 16 or above can become a member of our Trust and all members are eligible to stand for election. How involved you will be is up to you. Some members have a very active membership, while others will choose to only receive a newsletter. To opt out of membership please email the Communications team via [email protected]
Levels of membership
Level 1 – as little as:
- Receiving newsletters and regular updates
- Receiving invites for members’ events and meetings
- Receiving voting papers for the governor elections.
Level 2 – as above and a little more:
- Participating in surveys/questionnaires
- Attending members’ events
- Attending and participating in the quarterly governor and member meetings
- Voting for a governor to represent them in the election process.
Level 3 – as per levels 1 and 2, plus:
- Standing for election as a governor
- Attending Council of Governor meetings.
Benefits of membership
In line with the terms of the Trust Constitution members of the Trust will have the following rights and benefits to:
- Be able to elect governors
- Be able to stand as a governor
- Receive regular information about our activities, such as newsletters
- Provide opinions and be kept informed of plans for future developments
- Be involved and consulted on issues such as changes and improvements to services
- Act as an ambassador for their community or interest group
- Attend member events
- Recruit new members
- NHS discounts.
Privacy policy
Our Foundation Trust Privacy Policy contains information about the information we collect from you and how we store it.
Contact us
Our membership office deals with all services for members including membership applications, governor meetings, elections and acting as a point of contact for members and governors.
An important function of the membership office is to support the activities of governors on behalf of the Trust. A range of secretarial services are provided including booking venues for meetings, supporting sub groups of the Council of Governors and providing information and training for governors.
Contact our membership office with any queries about membership or with ideas and suggestions about improving our service:
Membership office
Scunthorpe General Hospital
Cliff Gardens
North Lincolnshire
DN15 7BH
Email: [email protected]