Having awkward conversations with your loved ones is never easy especially when it comes to death and dying. However, if you leave them certain about your wishes on organ donation it could help change someone’s life.
As part of Organ Donation Week, which runs from today (Monday 18 September) to Sunday 24, NHS Blood and Transplant aims to get 25,000 more people to register to become organ donors. To achieve this, we need your help.
We need people to get talking and raise awareness, as it will help to save and improve the lives of thousands of people in need of an organ transplant.
This year, staff at Scunthorpe and Grimsby hospitals supported five families to leave a positive legacy after the death of their loved one. Through their selflessness, six families were given the chance of a brighter, healthier, and happier future.
The law around organ donation changed in England in May 2020 and all adults are now considered as having agreed to donate their own organs when they die, unless they record a decision not to donate, are in one of the excluded groups or have told their family that they don’t want to donate.
Please don’t wait. Speak to your family about organ donation and let them know your decision today.
However, relatives will still always be consulted before organ donation goes ahead and each year, opportunities for transplants are missed because families aren’t sure what to do.
Consultant anaesthetist Dr Shan Dharmarajah, clinical lead for organ donation at our hospitals, said: “Knowing what your relative wanted, helps families support their decision around organ donation at what is often a difficult time.
“We need more people in Scunthorpe, Grimsby and Goole to talk with their loved ones about organ donation to give them the certainty they need to support their organ donation decision.”
Watch out for the promotional panels which some of the local Stagecoach buses are sporting. The message is simple: “When you get home, take two minutes to save nine lives. It’s the best thing you’ll do today. Confirm your decision on the NHS organ donor register. Visit organdonation.nhs.net or use the NHS app.”
Specialist nurse for organ donation Lisa Cochrane said: “We need more people across northern Lincolnshire and Goole to talk about organ donation to increase the number of lifesaving transplants.
“Your loved ones will still always be consulted before organ donation goes ahead. Please don’t wait. Speak to your family about organ donation and let them know your decision today.
“Register your organ donation decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register and tell your family the choice you have made. If the time comes, we know families find the organ donation conversation much easier if they already know what their relative wanted.”
To find out more and register your decision, visit the NHS Organ Donor Register at www.organdonation.nhs.uk and share your decision with your family. Users of the NHS app, can also use this to record, check or amend their details or decision.