Governors at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust have appointed Fiona Osborne as a Non-Executive Director of the Trust.
NEDs are responsible for ensuring the Trust Board acts in the best interest of the public and patients. They act as a critical friend and hold the executive team, which runs the Trust, to account.
Fiona joined the Trust in August 2021 in the role of an Associate NED, a role which holds no voting rights on the Board. This new appointment means Fiona will, from 15 September 2022, join the six strong team of NEDs with voting rights. She will also chair the Board’s Quality and Safety Committee which oversees the Trust’s clinical services and ensure they are delivering high quality, safe services
Fiona has wide-ranging experience in the finance world across numerous sectors including retail, leisure, publishing, heavy engineering, pharmacy and education. A Chartered Management Accountant and a Professional Member of the Chartered Institute for IT, she has her own Business and Project Consultancy which has seen her lead multiple transformation projects for organisations within the public, private and not for profit sectors. Fiona has supported many NHS Trusts with her consultancy work and was also previously a Finance Director in both Law and Retail Catering sectors. Fiona has been appointed on a three year tenure.
She said: “I’m very pleased to be appointed. Since I have been a part of the Board I have seen how much work is taking place across the Trust to improve services for our patients. The staff are doing amazing work every day of the week and I’m looking forward to playing my part in the ongoing improvement in the Trust.”
Sean Lyons, Chair of the Trust, said: “I’m delighted to welcome Fiona to the Trust. She has already been able to offer new insights at the Board and brings a wealth of experience from across her career. I look forward to working with her in the years ahead.”
Added Lead Governor Ian Reekie: “I’d like to congratulate Fiona on her appointment, as both a NED and Chair of the Quality and Safety Committee. I have no doubt she will be an excellent addition to our Trust Board team.”