Our ENT surgeons diagnose and treat conditions of the ears, nose, throat, head and neck. This can include anything from balance disorders, nasal polyps, snoring and nasal blockages to more complex areas such as tumours of the throat and larynx, head and neck cancers and thyroid disorders.
We have specialist connections to the Hull centre for head and neck cancer. Our specialist nurses travel between Hull and our three hospital sites to provide care and support to all our cancer patients. Our surgeons and the nursing staff have expertise spanning many areas and their continual professional development means that our patients receive up to date care that is tailored around individual needs.
We work with our patients to ensure the care plan they receive is a joint effort between all parties. Whether you are a new patient or have been part of our department for years our team is always on hand to offer advice and support.
Current service arrangements
Currently all inpatient ENT services are provided from Grimsby hospital (adult and paediatric, elective (routine) and non-elective (emergency)). Day case procedures and outpatient appointments are available at our Scunthorpe and Grimsby hospitals.
ENT services are due to be reviewed under the Humber Acute Services Review.
Contact us
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital
03033 306530
Scunthorpe General Hospital
03033 306533
Useful links
ENT UK provides information on ENT conditions, as well as patient leaflets.