What can I do to support my child?
- Tell us how you feel about your child’s development
- Ask questions if things are not clear
- Attend all sessions offered and let us know if you can’t attend for any reason
- Complete any homework activities recommended by your Speech and Language Therapist for at least 10 minutes each day.
If your child is aged 3 or over, you can check the developmental norms for what is typical for a child of their age. Please follow the links below to get lots of advice about what you should expect of your child’s communication.
Top tips/further reading
Please follow the links below to get lots of advice about what you should expect of your child’s communication at different ages. There is also information about supporting your child’s speech and language development.
Learning to talk 3 to 5 years – NHS
BBC Tiny Happy People
Child’s Progress checker – Speech & Language UK
Help for families – Speech and Language UK: Changing young lives
Action for Stammering Children