Dr Matthew Balerdi is a Consultant Imaging Cardiologist.
He has the following qualifications: BSc (hons), MBChB, MRCP
He has a special interest in Cardiac Imaging, Complex Echo, Cardiac CT, Nuclear cardiology , Adult Congential Heart Disease, Inhereted Cardiac Conditions and Heart Disease in Pregnancy
He is Secretary of the BNCS BCS, EACVI.
Dr. Balerdi graduated from the University of Bristol with Honours BSC in Anatomy. From interview he was selected to enter the University of Leicester’s first 4 year cohort and completed the MBChB with distinction in the clinical examinations. He has trained in cardiology across several hospitals; Nottingham University Hospitals, Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals before completing his training in University of Leeds Teaching Hospitals. He then returned to Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals as consultant imaging cardiologist working cross trust at both Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals as a locum consultant before his substantive appointment to his current, cross trust position as the adult congenital heart disease lead in Hull and the cardiac imaging lead for Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust