A charity fashion show fundraiser has drummed up an incredible total of £20,000 for a breast unit at Grimsby hospital.
Sue Hoodless has been tirelessly fundraising for The Pink Rose Suite since 2009 after battling breast cancer twice.
The Pink Rose Suite provides a breast imaging and diagnostic service with follow-up imaging for patients, undertaken for our surgical teams. Sue’s previous fundraising efforts have gone towards a refurbishment of the two quiet rooms and waiting area on The Pink Rose Suite, a breast imaging ultrasound machine and tote bags for patients with information about their breast cancer diagnosis.
Not only is Sue a patient, she’s also a member of staff and works on the Central Delivery Suite (CDS) at Scunthorpe hospital as a Senior Healthcare Assistant. Sue said: “I wanted to give something back to the fantastic staff on the unit who have looked after me. I am so proud to have raised £20,000 from ticket sales and raffles over the years.
“I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and I now have yearly check-ups. The Pink Rose Suite was my lifeline. Unfortunately, we couldn’t hold the fashion shows for two years because of the pandemic so it was great to get back to raising funds this year!”
Sue’s latest fashion show took place in Winterton and she made most of the outfits herself. This event raised more than £2,000 and a cheque presentation took place recently.
Jenny Smith, Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, said: “Sue’s tireless fundraising is a real boost to the team and to patients under our care. The funds allow us to improve many aspects of the service we offer to patients, and make each step of the patient journey a better experience.
“Amongst other things, the money has supported the purchase of new breast imaging equipment with enhanced functions beyond the usual NHS standard. Further similar purchases are currently planned. As a team, we are very thankful to have a fundraising champion like Sue. She never seems to run out of energy!”
Sue wished to thank everyone that helped with the shows including Pam, Olga, Marie, Nat, Lynda, Wendy and Doris. She also wanted to give a special thanks to Korky, Pat, Denise and Antoune. Sue described Antoune as the “best compere ever”.