This is where you’ll come for your first trimester scan and any other tests you may require during your pregnancy such as glucose tolerance tests and cardio toco graph (to assess your babies wellbeing). A range of clinics including smoking cessation, teenage pregnancy and fetal medicine are also held here.
Specialist services
Women with complicated, high-risk pregnancies such as women with diabetes or hypertension are seen in the centre. Services offered include vaginal birth after caesarean and pre-operative caesarean section clinics. Women with low-risk pregnancies are looked after in the community by midwives and only referred to the centre if necessary.
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit Scunthorpe
This is a one stop, nurse-led clinic for women experiencing early pregnancy problems, such as pain and/or bleeding, from 6 weeks of pregnancy, until 19 weeks and 6 days.
For patients who have experienced a previous ectopic or previous molar pregnancy, we will do a one-off ultrasound scan at 7 weeks gestation to confirm that all is well with the current pregnancy.
For patients who have suffered recurrent miscarriage (three or more confirmed, consecutive miscarriages) we can offer weekly reassurance scan up until 12 weeks gestation.
At 20 weeks gestation and above, you will need to be seen by a midwife.
It is an appointment-only system and referrals must come from a health professional.
Our service includes ultrasound scan, blood tests, pregnancy complications counselling, and arrangement of medical and surgical procedures, if needed, for miscarriage or ectopic pregnancies (a pregnancy that grows outside of the womb)
Contact details
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit Scunthorpe – in working hours call 03033 302052, outside of working hours call 03033 303294.
Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit Grimsby – call 03033 303770 (same in and outside of working hours)
If you experience any difficulties in contacting our teams in an emergency or out of usual working hours please call the switchboard on 03033 306999 and ask them to bleep the gynaecology nurses or the on-call gynaecology doctor.
Ultrasound scan
We will require you to attend with a full bladder
The sonographer will ask you to lie on a couch and expose your lower abdomen. Some jelly will be placed on your abdomen and a small probe moved over the area. Using soundwaves, the Sonographer will be able to see inside your womb.
Sometimes, the pregnancy is too early, or the view too difficult to see through your abdomen. In this case we will offer you a transvaginal scan which means the probe is inserted into the lower vagina. It is in no way harmful to a pregnancy and should not be painful.
This type of scan is done on an empty bladder so the Sonographer will ask you to pass urine first.
If you are experiencing heavy bleeding (more than a very heavy period, with large clots) or severe pain that is not helped by paracetamol, then please go directly to the Emergency Care Centre.
Waiting times
We endeavour to see all our patients at their appointment time, however, some consultations take longer than expected, or an emergency situation may arise. So there may be a waiting time.
For any further information, please contact 03033 302052, Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm.
Contact us
We are based in the children and family services building which is around the back of the hospital near to the Second Avenue entrance.
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital
Scartho Road
DN33 2BA
The centre is accessible from the car park on Church Lane (we are located to the right of the main entrance) and also from inside the hospital on ‘B’ floor. We are open from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm on Saturdays and bank holidays.
Scunthorpe General Hospital
Cliff Gardens
DN15 7BH
Antenatal clinic: (01724) 290168
Antenatal day unit:(01724) 290409