While Covid-19 restrictions are ending in many settings in England, safety measures will remain in place in hospitals to help keep you, our patients and our staff safe.
If you’re coming into our hospitals in Grimsby, Scunthorpe or Goole, you must continue to wear a face covering, practice social distancing and comply with visiting restrictions.
We understand it’s not ideal, but if you have an appointment or need to come to A&E, you must also come alone.
There are exemptions to these safety measures, including patients who are exempt from wearing a mask or with vulnerabilities who need assistance at appointments or in A&E.
These measures remain in place within the NHS across the country so the most vulnerable people can continue to safely attend hospital, their GP surgery, pharmacy or any other healthcare settings for advice, care and treatment.
This will also help to protect healthcare staff.
Reasons for Covid-19 restrictions
Ellie Monkhouse, our Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control, said: “The safety of our patients and staff remains our priority.
“Despite lockdown restrictions being lifted, everyone visiting our hospitals must continue with these safety measures until further notice.
“Unfortunately, we are seeing an increase in the number of positive patients needing our care and our staff continue to work hard under immense pressure. With restrictions easing on Monday, it is important for the public to continue to play their part when visiting healthcare settings.”
Ellie added: “It is vital we do all we can to reduce the risk of infection for those working in our services and patients needing our care. Therefore, our staff will also continue with the strict infection prevention and control measures currently in place.
“Our visiting restrictions are reviewed regularly, but at this time we must continue with an appointment system for named visitors only.
“As soon as it is safe for us to ease these restrictions, we will welcome visitors on a more flexible basis. All maternity and antenatal arrangements will remain the same and visiting in exceptional circumstances will continue as normal at the discretion of the nurse in charge.”