What is an ultrasound?
The information on this page is about medical ultrasounds. For information about antenatal scans please visit the maternity pages.
An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of part of the inside of the body. During the examination a thin layer of gel will be applied to your skin and a probe will be placed over the part of your body to be examined. On completion of the examination
the skin is wiped clean.
What do I need to do to prepare?
There is no specific preparation for this scan.
How long does it take?
Please allow around 10 to 15 minutes for the scan
Where do I go for my scan?
At Scunthorpe we are based in the Blue Sky Imaging Unit on C floor.
At Grimsby we are based on the ground floor in the Radiology department.
How do I get the results?
The results of your ultrasound scan will be sent to the doctor who referred you. If this was your GP it will usually be within a week.
Contact us
Scunthorpe General Hospital: 03033 302933
Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital: 03033 304648
Goole and District Hospital: 03033 304045