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Car parking at Scunthorpe Hospital
While there is limited parking available for staff, patients and visitors at our Scunthorpe site, we ask that you consider using alternative means of transport where possible, to give priority for onsite parking to those who really need it.
We have two main public car parking areas at Scunthorpe.
- Outside the emergency department and outpatients entrance on the Cliff Gardens side of the site.
- On the Church Lane side of the site, you can park to the right of the entrance, in front of the family services building, or use the ground floor of the new decked car park to the left of the entrance.
When you arrive you’ll see electronic signs directing you to where there are available spaces.
There is dedicated disabled parking and there are also a limited number of electric vehicle charging points available in the decked car park.
Motorcyclists are able to park, free of charge, in the bays in any of our public car parks. On approaching the barrier, please use the intercom to contact a member of our staff and they will be happy to raise the barrier for you.
As you drive in through the barrier, your registration number is read by our Automatic Number Plate Recognition system.
When you’re ready to leave, please go to the pay station and enter your vehicle registration number.
As you may be aware, we are currently carrying out extensive improvement works which may temporarily impact car parking availability.
If there’s anything you need to be aware of, we will post details here and on our social media, so please check before you travel.
Blue Badge holders
Parking for Blue Badge holders is free but you need to register your vehicle by emailing us at [email protected] with your:
- Name
- Badge number (and a copy of your badge)
- Vehicle Registration Number
Once you’re registered, the barrier will lift automatically when you leave, with no charge to pay.
Car park charges
While, in an ideal world, we would like to offer everyone free parking, unfortunately that’s not a viable option.
While we need to provide parking for our patients, visitors and staff, we don’t receive any central funding for the upkeep of these car parks.
That means that if we don’t charge for parking, that maintenance would have to be paid for with money we believe is better spent on patient care.
Pay stations are located outside the main entrance on Church Lane and outside the Emergency Department on Cliff Gardens.
You can also pay via your mobile phone using the Flowbird app. This service is provided by an independent company and you can find out more here.
Please note that from 1 September 2024 there has been a slight increase to charges for parking on our hospital sites.
The new rates are:
- Up to one hour: £3
- One to two hours: £5
- Two to four hours: £5.60
- Day tickets: £6.20
We also offer a wide range of concessions for patients and visitors, including:
- Free parking for Blue Badge holders
- Weekly tickets: £31.40
- Long term ticket (after the first seven days): £6.20
In addition to the daily, weekly and long-term rates above, you may be entitled to further concessions.
You may be eligible if:
- You’re a cancer patient attending for a course of treatment
- You are the parent or guardian of a sick child who is staying overnight
- You are the parent, guardian or next of kin of a patient who is at the end of their life and you’re staying for prolonged visits.
Ward managers or their deputies can provide you with a letter detailing the reason for the concession, which must be presented to the security and car park team, who can issue a temporary pass for up to seven days.
In exceptional circumstances, the car park supervisor may, at their discretion, grant a pass for a longer period.
Since April 2021 a new concession has also been in place for those who have to come to hospital for an appointment at least three times within the space of a month, for an overall period of at least three consecutive months.
If this applies to you, please pick up a claim form from the Car Parking and Security Office on site.
Claims are made retrospectively, so you will need to keep hold of your receipts.
Park and ride
While there is no longer a dedicated Park and Ride service to the hospital, you also have the option of parking in the Parishes Multi-storey car park, which is located on Fenton Street, Scunthorpe, and getting on one of the regular buses that runs to the hospital.
Entrance to the car park is on Cole Street, Parking charges are between 8am and 6pm and is now pay on foot.
You can get the latest timetables and travel information from the Stagecoach website.